

Ninenews featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Sisley Phyto-Touche

This online commercial was created for the release of the new sun glow powder range Phyto-Touche by the cosmetics company Sisley Paris. The goal was to reveal the product and the sensory sun-kissed look it offers. The product was staged in a real environment and on a set using exclusively real light effects and colourful elements. The video was released on the brand’s website and across social media, as well as through in-store displays.

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Darkness To Go

Orbis is a charity dedicated to helping the patients with eye diseases. In this project, we would like to attract the audience's eyes in a short time by the delighted animation, light rhythm and bright colors are applied to the animation, a stronger visual impulse brought consequently into the story. We hope the patient could watch this animation after his recovery, and wish he could feel the beauty of brightness and color in the animation.

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Devoted is a breast pumping set which includes a cloak and pumping components to foster a private, comfortable, smart and convenient experience. It allows users to pump milk without having to retreat to the unpleasant, unhygienic environment of a toilet. The cloak covers the upper body to maintain the personal privacy when pumping milk. Breast-milk will be transferred through a tube and stored to the container in the hidden pocket. As well as the heating pad in breast shield provides the warm feeling to mother breasts which can be more comfortable.

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Desire, diet, and period... all the constrains from reality and also the cravings of her heart, all linger around inside Katie. Katie's train of thoughts have been visualised into a ball, and every factor that made her mind tangled is a world. The story begins when Katie starts to hesitate. To eat or not to eat, that is the question. Let's follow Katie, and start an adventure inside the mysterious brain. Let the ball speed between desire of heart and constrain of reality.

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Battle For Sevastopol

The movie isn’t about a war. It’s about people at war. And frankly, all the movie is trying to say is that war is a bad thing! The director of main titles was looking for something that would unite all of these people, both survivors and fallen. It has to be something in tune with those times. And here he finds it. It’s the victory. At what specific moment every single character experiences his or her own victory? What are those characters doing at that moment? What do they look like? It is crucially important to express this feeling through the position, emotion and shape of a figure itself.

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Black Hole

The black hole is a multi functional guitar based on hard rock and metal music styles. The body shape gives the guitar players feeling of comfort. It's equipped with a liquid crystal display on the fretboard to generate visual effects and learning programs. Braille signs behind the guitar's neck, can help people who are blind or have low vision to play guitar.

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